Monday, January 16, 2017

Find Balance

For the month of January, Pure Barre is running a nation-wide campaign called #SetTheBarre, encouraging clients to determine a goal or intention for the year ahead. As the studio manager, I definitely wanted to participate. Each year, I try to find a word for the year ahead. In 2016, my word was a u t h e n t i c i t y. This year, I've chosen b a l a n c e.

I want to actively seek balance in all areas of life, including time, money, and myself.

I want to b a l a n c e my time better. I want to spend less time working and more time cultivating relationships. I want to spend less time watching TV and more time reading. I want to devote time to building my relationship with God. I want to invest quality time in my relationship with Luke. 

I want to b a l a n c e my money better. I want to spend less and save more. I want to buy fewer things and have more experiences. I want to be wise with my money and value my money over my time. Meaning I'd rather spend 30 minutes preparing a meal than $12 picking up lunch for convenience.

I want to b a l a n c e myself better. I want to be more positive than negative. I want to focus on areas of growth and development instead of plateauing into bad habits. I want to find a healthy balance between activity and rest.

I believe that finding balance with change my faith, my relationships, my job, my health, and my happiness.

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